Privacy Policy

General informations

The present charter aims to provide the user with comprehensive information regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the company Manoski. The definitions outlined in Article 2 of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to this personal data charter.

As part of its activities, the company operates the website accessible at, which serves as an online jewelry store. In order to ensure the provision of its services, the company is required to collect personal data relating to the users of its website.

Mindful of protecting the user's privacy and the processing of their personal data, the company, as the data controller, commits to complying with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, ensuring the highest level of protection for the personal data of its users.

This charter thus allows the user to benefit from full transparency regarding the processing of their personal data by the company.


Manoski, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 1,000.00 Euros, headquartered at 15 rue Saint Benoit, 75006 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 901 189 431, is the data controller responsible for collecting and processing personal data.


A. Inquiry / Contact Form (in accordance with Article 5 of the GTC)

When the user fills out the contact form on the website, the company collects and processes the following data:

  • User's last name (mandatory)
  • User's first name (mandatory)
  • User's email address (mandatory)
  • User's message (mandatory)

B. Newsletter Subscription

On this occasion, the company collects the following data:

  • User's email address (mandatory)

C. Information necessary for placing an order by the user (in accordance with Article 7 of the GTC)

On this occasion, the company collects the following data:

  • User's last name
  • User's first name
  • Company name of the user (optional)
  • Delivery address
  • User's postal address
  • User's email address
  • Phone number

D. Banking information (in accordance with Article 9 of the GTC)

Data related to payment methods (credit card number, expiration date, authorization number, security code) are collected directly by the company's payment partners.

The company guarantees to the user that it never has access to their banking data.


The Company is only authorized to use the personal data of its Users if it has a valid legal basis and must ensure that it has one or more of the following legal bases:

  • Contract performance
  • Compliance with a legal obligation
  • Legitimate interests of the data controller
  • User consent

The Company is required to collect and record personal data of Users for the following purposes and according to the following legal bases:

1.1.1 Provision of the Service by the Company

The Company utilizes the User's personal information for the purpose of providing them with the Site's Services.

Additionally, the personal data provided by the User enables the Company to monitor the provision of Services and any related claims.

The provision of personal data collected for the provision of Services on the Website is mandatory. Without them, the Services cannot be properly provided.

These data may be transmitted to the Company's technical service providers, solely for the purpose of properly executing the Services or establishing statistics.

1.1.2 Resolution and Improvement of Services Provided by the Company

The Company uses the User's personal information to provide features, analyze performance, correct errors, and enhance the accessibility and efficiency of the services provided.

This use is justified by the legitimate interest of the Company.

1.1.3 Providing Service Recommendations and Personalizing User Options

The Company utilizes the User's personal information to recommend features and services that may be of interest to the User.

These data also enable the Company to identify the User's preferences and personalize their experience with the services offered on the Site.

This use is justified by the legitimate interest of the Company.

1.1.4 Managing Customer Relations and Satisfaction

Legitimate Interest of the Company

1.1.5 Establishing a Customer and Prospect File

Legitimate Interest of the Company

1.1.6 Sending Newsletters, Solicitations, and Promotional Messages


1.1.7 Compliance with the Law

The Company may be required to retain the User's personal data to meet legal or regulatory requirements (e.g., verifying the User's identity to detect or prevent fraud).

Legal Obligation

Legitimate Interest of the Company


The personal data collected is solely processed by the Company, except in the following cases:

A. Communication to commercial partners:
Transmission of personal data to commercial partners and subcontractors of the Company for the purpose of fulfilling the Services (companies responsible for product delivery, payment service providers, etc.).

B. Communication to the following recipients:
Law enforcement authorities in the context of judicial requisitions related to combating fraud;

C. These data may also be transmitted to third parties for:

  • Combating fraud and recovering outstanding payments;
  • Carrying out maintenance and technical development operations on the Company's Website, internal applications, and information system;
  • Collecting customer feedback;
  • Sending newsletters.

The Company may also share personal data with the prior and express authorization of the User in the event of a sale, transfer, or merger of the Company or a part thereof, or if the Company acquires or merges with another company. In the event of such a transaction, the Company will ensure that the other party complies with data protection legislation.


Under Articles 14 to 22 of Regulation 2016/679 dated April 27, 2016, any natural person using the service has the right to exercise the following rights:

  • Right to information (referring to the provision of clear and easily accessible information to the User)
  • Right of access
  • Right of rectification
  • Right of objection and erasure of data processing
  • Right to object to profiling
  • Right to limit processing (referring to the fact that the Company cannot continue to process and use the User's personal data beyond a certain period)
  • Right to data portability (allowing the User to retrieve and transfer the data provided)
  • Right to deletion

Finally, when the Company detects a personal data breach that is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the User, the User will be informed of this breach as soon as possible.

These rights can be exercised with the Company that collected the personal data via email at the following address:

In accordance with applicable regulations, any request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the signature of the requester and specifying the address to which the response should be sent. A response will then be sent to the User within two (2) months following the receipt of the request.

What happens to the user's data after their death?

The user can give instructions to the Company regarding the storage, deletion, and communication of their personal data after their death in accordance with Article 40-1 of Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978. The user can formulate their advance directives at the following address:


The personal data concerning the User will not be transferred for the purposes defined above to companies located outside the European Union, except for the transmission of mandatory information to any banking institution and/or payment service provider outside the European Union for the purpose of payment of the Price.

In the event of transfer of personal data concerning the User to companies located outside the European Union, the data is only transferred to companies that have committed to ensuring an adequate and appropriate level of data protection, notably through standard contractual clauses (SCCs) or Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs).

How long are user data stored?

The user is informed that the personal data provided by them are retained by the Company for the entire duration of the Service. The Company has determined that the retention period for personal data will be set upon request of the User (who has provided their identification) in the context of exercising rights of inquiry, access, rectification, and opposition. Regarding the retention period of the User's banking details for payment or refund purposes, these are only kept for the duration necessary for such payment or refund. As for the retention period of personal data necessary for the dispatch of the Company's newsletter, these are retained for the entire duration of the User's subscription to the Company's newsletter. For certain types of processing, data retention is subject to specific retention periods, notably justified by the Company's legal obligations. For example, purchase-related information is retained for 10 years. For more information on the retention periods applied by the Company, the User is authorized to contact the Company's customer service at the following address:


A. Internal Measures within the Company

As the data controller, the Company takes all necessary precautions to preserve the security and confidentiality of data. It employs measures aimed at preventing distortion, damage, or unauthorized access to Users' personal data. This includes securing the computer system to prevent any external access to personal data.

Furthermore, when the Company engages subcontractors, it ensures that they comply with data protection rules.

B. Relationships with Subcontractors

When the Company uses subcontractors to process Users' personal data, it ensures that these subcontractors provide sufficient guarantees regarding compliance with data protection rules. They must at least provide the same guarantees as the Company. The conclusion of a specific contract with these subcontractors is a regular practice to ensure this compliance.

C. Combating Internet Fraud

In order to secure payments and ensure optimal service quality, the personal data collected on the Website is also processed by the Company to assess the level of fraud risk associated with each transaction. If a risk is identified, the Company may adjust the transaction execution conditions accordingly.

Are data collected from minors under the age of 18?

According to the terms of service, it is necessary to be 18 years old to access the website and use the services.

Does the company use cookies, tags, and trackers?

Cookie Management

When the User uses the Company's Services, it automatically receives and records certain types of information such as the settings of the Internet browser used, the contents of the shopping cart, or the identifiers to allow the User to log in.

Cookies and trackers strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the User do not require their prior consent. Thus, for example, the following trackers do not require consent from Users:
shopping cart cookies for an online store;
"session identifier" cookies, for the duration of a session, or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in certain cases;
authentication and consent cookies;
persistent cookies for customizing the user interface (language or presentation choices).
Any other cookie requires prior information and the express and prior consent of the User, for example:
cookies related to advertising operations;
social media cookies generated by social media sharing buttons when they collect personal data without the consent of the individuals concerned;
certain audience measurement cookies.
Upon entering the Site, a message appears to inform the User of the use of cookies.

Consent is obtained through the display of a banner visible on the Website allowing the User to choose the cookies that will be stored on their device, except for cookies necessary for the provision of the Services.

"Cookies" as well as other unique identifiers are thus used to obtain this information when the User's browser or device accesses the Website.

A. What is a Cookie?
The term "cookie" encompasses several technologies for tracking user navigation and actions. These technologies are numerous and constantly evolving. They include cookies, tags, pixels, and JavaScript code. A cookie is a small text file stored by the browser on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, which allows user data to be retained to facilitate navigation and enable certain functionalities.

B. Why are cookies, tags, and trackers used?
Cookies are used by the Company to remember User preferences, optimize and improve the use of the Website by providing content that is more precisely tailored to their needs.

C. The Cookies issued by the Company on the website allow:

To identify the User when logging into the Site;
To determine the settings of the User's Internet browser, such as the type of browser used and the plug-ins installed;
To establish statistics and volumes of attendance and use of the various elements making up our services (using audience measurement cookies);
To adapt the presentation of the Website according to the device used;
To adapt the presentation of the Website according to each User's preferences;
To optimize the services offered on the Website;
To communicate with the User in a targeted manner.
Only the issuer of a cookie may read or modify the information it contains. Some cookies are installed until the User's browser is closed, while others are retained for longer periods.

D. Browser Software Settings
The User can configure the navigation software so that cookies are stored on their device or, conversely, rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. The User can also configure their navigation software so that the acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to them on a case-by-case basis, before a cookie is likely to be stored on their device.

E. How to exercise this choice, depending on the browser used?
For cookie management, each browser's configuration is different. The "help" section of the toolbar of most browsers indicates how to refuse new cookies or obtain a message signaling their receipt, or how to deactivate all cookies.

The cookies issued by the Company are used for the purposes described above, subject to the User's choices resulting from the settings of their navigation software used during their visit to the Site and their agreement by clicking on the "ok" button of the banner regarding cookies.

Several options are available to the User to manage cookies. Any setting made by the User regarding the use of cookies may change their Internet browsing and conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

The User can choose at any time to express and modify their preferences regarding cookies, directly from the settings of their Internet browser.

As each procedure is different, the User is invited to refer to the documentation relating to their browser, accessible from the publisher's website.

Data Protection Officer of the Company

The company does not meet the criteria for appointing a Data Protection Officer as set forth by Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

Update of the Personal Data Policy

The Company may update this policy from time to time.

In the event of significant changes, the Company will notify you by email or by any other means. To the extent permitted by applicable law, using our services after such notification constitutes acceptance of updates to this policy.